The Professionals Circuit Archive - Perfect Life Perfect Life by Ankaree *Written for the April two-day drabble challenge on the discoveredinalj livejournal community* ****** Bodie woke with a start. The weight of an arm draped across his chest stopped him from sitting up. He didn't have to look. He knew to whom the arm belonged. Ray. *Bloody hell, what have we done?* Yesterday. Bad OP. Later. Too much scotch. A need to confirm they were okay. Shared kisses. Two bodies falling into bed. As panic began to set in, the body against him snuggled closer, that arm tightened possessively, a gentle kiss, his name whispered lovingly, and suddenly Bodie's fears vanished. This was how they should be. Together in all things. Life was perfect. -- THE END -- *April 2008* Archive Home