Aerial Display


Written for the Bonfire Night "Discovered in a Skyrocket" challenge on the discoveredinalj Livejournal community.

From base to tip, he licks, as tawny thighs tighten at his shoulders. The last of the autumn sun beats on his back. Hair brushes soft against his palms. If there is a heaven, Bodie's found it. Here in musky scent, with heavy heat on his tongue, with hoarse, wordless sounds above him and insistent, frantic fingers in his hair.

Smiling, he ignores the moans of complaint and lifts his head, squinting to admire the view. Dew topped, dawn blushed pink, a living column twitching in swirling currents of air. He licks his lips, tasting, and breathes in Ray's scent.

-- THE END --

November 2006

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